Search Beyond Lies: Fact or Fiction – The Presidential Letter

In Search Beyond Lies, a call back was issued via Presidential Letter to Brett, who we know was inspired by Brian Perri. Is there such thing as a call back? If yes, could it be possibly done with a Presidential Letter? Before we explore the reality behind the Presidential Letter in Search Beyond Lies, we need to know whether it exists, and if it does, the history behind it.

veterans, call back
Can veterans be called back?

Can you be called back to active duty?

Yes. Once in the military, you can be kept longer than planned or be recalled after you get out or retire. There are many ways this can occur. Typically, the recall is at the behest of the Secretary of Defense (10 U.S. Code Section 688) and there are various ways this can occur:

Military –Call Back

Stop-Loss Program

Military Working Dogs, Military Service Dogs, Parachute Dog, Silent Heroes

You can be kept on active duty longer than your discharge date if you have a particular valuable skill or “in the interests of unit cohesion.”

Mobilization of the National Guard

Without a state of emergency, the president can recall up to 200,000 reservists for at least 400 days. A state of emergency allows the president to activate up to one million reservists by his order.

By the way, since November 14, 1979, when President Jimmy Carter issued Executive Order 12170 after the start of the Iran hostage crisis, the United States of America has been in a state of national emergency. President Donald Trump continued that order in November 2017.


Officers and Retirees

An officer’s commission usually remains in force and effect even after retirement. Why? It’s for the privilege of retaining the legal right of being addressed by their military rank and receiving their retirement benefits. Although they can resign their commission, very few do. Because of this privilege, they can be recalled to active duty.

Presidential Letters – Fact or Fiction

The president can recall officers in the state of emergency as well as mobilize the National Guard, which as noted has been ongoing since 1979. Is it common? A few years ago I was a guest speaker at Romance Writers of America and attended a session on Military Characters. I met 2 officers who were recipients of the Presidential Letter. I was informed that you either “go back or go to jail.” No doubt, the Presidential Letter is fact.

The Possibilities

The existence of the Presidential Letter is reality. Whether Brian Perri actually received a Presidential letter is a mystery. But when you consider the glasses … .

What are your thoughts about the possibilities?

© 2023 Karen VDH Fischer

suspense thriller, romantic suspense, Colorado, Rocky Mountains, action

Search Beyond Lies is available on Amazon.