Chasing Genesis with Sheri Carmon Miller

eclipse, Genesis, writing, publishing, Wyoming, Bar Nunn, Casper, World War II, military airfield, light, darkness, heavenly, skies, Scriptures

So many events in life inspire us as writers. I would like to welcome Sheri Carmon Miller to Thyme for Writers. Chasing Genesis is how the eclipse touched this writer’s life… .

eclipse, Genesis, writing, publishing, Wyoming, Bar Nunn, Casper, World War II, military airfield, light, darkness, heavenly, skies, Scriptures, sun, moon, stars
ECLIPSE August 21, 2017 
Observation location: Bar Nunn, Wyoming (Rural northern edge of Casper, Wyoming)
watching the eclipse from the site of an officially deactivated WWII Military airfield
Eclipse reaches totality: 11:43 am

ECLIPSE August 21, 2017 
Observation location: Bar Nunn, Wyoming (Rural northern edge of Casper, Wyoming)
watching the eclipse from the site of an officially deactivated WWII Military airfield
Eclipse reaches totality: 11:43 am

Chasing Genesis
eclipse, Genesis, writing, publishing, Wyoming, Bar Nunn, Casper, World War II, military airfield, light, darkness, heavenly, skies, Scriptures
Thyme for Writers
Chasing Genesis by Sheri Carmon Miller

Chasing Genesis, we drive across Montana and Wyoming to experience what our LORD created, in the beginning, (Genesis 1:1) when he set the sun and the moon in the sky. “God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.” (Genesis 1:16) We travel to see the two fantastic lights, the greater and the lesser, together, in time and space and to feel the movement of the moon, on its steady orbit, placed with precision since the birth of the universe, at the command of the LORD–for us, for our benefit. We come to be touched by the cool chill sliding around our bare ankles, that deepens into cold, as the sun’s radiance slowly diminishes.

The Eclipse

Bite by bite the moon blocks the sun, air temperature quickly dropping, as the sun’s life-giving heat no longer reaches the earth. The bright day slowly dimming… until swallowed entirely. The scene, suddenly in silhouette…surreal…a different darkness. Totality! The moon fully eclipsing the commanding, fiery, life of the sun.

eclipse, Genesis, writing, publishing, Wyoming, Bar Nunn, Casper, World War II, military airfield, light, darkness, heavenly, skies, Scriptures, sun, moon, stars
Chasing Genesis by Sheri Carmon Miller

The sun becomes a charcoal ball surrounded with a burning crown of thorns that recedes into a glowing rim. In the darkness, a 365-degree thread of luminous pink glimmers on the horizon. For an instant, total quiet– the world stilled. In total awe, humanity stands– heads tilted back, mouths slightly open. The human race, united for one perfect moment. All are focused on the heavenlies, like a motionless sea of periscopes breaking the surface of the ocean. Then the unified shouts of joy and astonishment. The wonder! I hold my arms open wide, and turn slowly, in a full circle, drawing it in. The stars come out in the black, noonday heavens. I run and hug a stranger.

I gaze into Genesis. “The heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” (Psalm 19:1-4)

eclipse, Genesis, writing, publishing, Wyoming, Bar Nunn, Casper, World War II, military airfield, light, darkness, heavenly, skies, Scriptures, sun, moon, stars
The Eclipse

Suddenly, 2 ½ minutes later a fierce, piercing-white light, like shards of glass, shatters the darkness, stinging the blackness. “Let there be light…” (Genesis 1:3) Spectacular and jaw dropping. Instantly the light overcomes the darkness, pushing it back with a power I’ve never experienced. The dark was so big, but it was no match for the POWER of the light.

I stand in amazement, reliving the scriptures—like Doubting Thomas, who put his hand into the Lord’s wounds, to more fully understand and believe that Jesus was alive and had risen—so I stand in reverence and wonder– and believe as I experience the scriptures—alive.

For a few brief minutes—gazing so intimately into the heavenlies, I more clearly understand my life on this spinning planet. I feel one with the scriptures and the peoples of this earth, and with all that the LORD has created. The eclipse opened my eyes to just how big the LORD is and how long range his plans are, how powerful he is and how massively he loves us. He created this astounding planet specifically for us and protected the Holy Scriptures across the centuries so that we could clearly know the way to Jesus, our salvation, and our path home to heaven. The 2017 Great American Eclipse—The people poured out of the cities into the wilderness and saw the hand of God. We chased Genesis and remain in total awe from the experience.

eclipse, Genesis, writing, publishing, Wyoming, Bar Nunn, Casper, World War II, military airfield, light, darkness, heavenly, skies, Scriptures
Chasing Genesis
by Sheri Carmon Miller

Sheri is published with Boulder, CO based publisher, Blue Mountain Arts (BMA), in their inspirational collection Always Follow Your Dreams, Wherever They Lead You, and has also been published in BMA’s individual greeting card line. The Group Publishing in Loveland, CO published Sheri’s writings in the compilation of their 2012 devotional book, If I Can Do All Things Through Christ…Why Can’t I find My Car Keys? She recently completed a children’s manuscript, Kate and the Ladybug, An Allegory about God’s Generous Provision. Her work in progress is Cookies from God: 52 Yummy Devotional Stories for Kids. Sheri’s life verse is John 21:15-18 “…Feed my lambs…Take care of my sheep…” Sheri is passionate about promoting daily Bible reading, as the vehicle of getting to know the LORD on a ‘heart’ level, and for many years has partnered with Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, a non-denominational evangelical Christian ministry headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.  She and her husband Brad, have helped facilitate whole church Bible-reading programs in Colorado, Nebraska and South Dakota. Sheri and her husband, live in Fort Collins, Colorado.



Author: K.V. Fischer

K.V. Fischer’s diverse experiences as an attorney, certified civil mediator, registered dietitian, teacher, speaker, and published author with more than 20 years’ experience in the corporate, government, and private sectors have fueled her desire to assist people live fuller, richer lives. Although she is extensively published in nonfiction, with one book and more than 100 articles (the majority of which were ghost-written), her passion has always been writing suspense thrillers. Search Beyond Lies is the first in the Search & Recovery International Series and her second suspense thriller. With 2 grown children, one a neurosurgeon and the other a radiation health physicist, she is fortunate to have go-to experts for some of her research. She lives in Colorado with her husband and their dog Brady; practices law in Colorado and Florida; and travels nationwide speaking and teaching.

3 thoughts on “Chasing Genesis with Sheri Carmon Miller”

  1. Sheri,

    Great expressions to capture the moment with words. A burning crown of thorns to describe the coronal filaments; humanity as a motionless sea of periscopes! Excellent job. You bring a nice poetic touch to the event, as well as spiritual insight as to how it reflects God’s glory.

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