Search Beyond Lies: Its Genre

On Valentine’s Day we explored what was fact and fiction concerning the romance between James and Charlie. Is that romance enough to make Search Beyond Lies a romantic suspense thriller or is it a suspense thriller with a dash of romance?

The Romance

Romance – the Genre

All romance novels have two basic elements:

  • A love story, and
  • a happy ending.
Romance Novel

According to Romance Writers of America (RWA), “The main plot centers around individuals falling in love and struggling to make the relationship work. A writer can include as many subplots as they want as long as the love story is the main focus of the novel.”

What does that mean exactly? It depends on who you ask.

The Industry

The rules of the industry are pretty cut and dry. In order to be classified as a romance, you need to ask one question: Is there a story if the romance is removed? If the answer is no, it’s a romance because without the romance there is no story.

Romance writers may choose to write contemporary, historical, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, romance with a spiritual element, etc.

I’ve had the pleasure to review an ARC for After the Shadows, an example of an historical romance and one you won’t want to miss! It’s excellent and is available for preorder!

Search Beyond Lies is a suspense thriller. RWA defines a romantic suspense as “Romance novels in which suspense, mystery, or thriller elements constitute an integral part of the plot.” Does that definition fit Search Beyond Lies?

The ReadeR

Readers may have a totally different take than the industry. If there’s enough romance within the novel, it IS a romance even if the main plot is a mystery, suspense, thriller, or …

I write for you, the reader, not the industry. In your opinion, is Search Beyond Lies a romantic suspense thriller or a suspense thriller with a dash of romance?

The second in my Search & Recovery International Series, After the Verdict, will have a similar romantic element. Your thoughts on Search Beyond Lies will help me classify the second in the series. Thank you in advance for your opinion!

© 2023 Karen VDH Fischer

Search Beyond Lies: Fact or Fiction – The Romance

Valentine’s Day is the perfect day for Search Beyond Lies: Fact or Fiction – The Romance. Is the romance between Charlie and James fact or fiction? Since that question is multifaceted, we’ll take a look at its parts.

The Hero and Heroine

The actual hero and heroine are inspired by real people. Writers envision who their characters look like and often keep a photo handy of these characters to keep them on track. The photo can be a snapshot of people they know, or a photo of a popular actor or actress or … .

J.C. & P.J.'s photo at the Stanley - the inspiration for the hero and heroine in Search Beyond Lies
J.C. & Priscilla Jane

Search Beyond Lies: Fact or Fiction — Missing revealed that the character James, was inspired by my son, J.C., who actively participated in the search for Brian. But how about James’ love interest, Charlie?


The heroine, Charlie, was inspired by a real person – Priscilla Jane (P.J.). Charlie’s physical description mirrors that of P. J., a true 6-foot beauty.

Many of Charlie’s character traits are actually those held by P.J. who is beautiful on the inside and out. However, her history and participation in the search is mixed with fact and fiction.

Charlie’s background as an expert skier is fact. At one time she considered training for the Olympics until a high school soccer accident made that impossible is fact. That same accident made P.J. unavailable to be on the front line in the search for Brian. She needed surgery from that same injury years prior.

However, P.J. worked in the background in the search for Brian by getting volunteers, and doing all the behind the scenes work on her computer.

Charlie’s military background is another story. It is pure fiction.

the romance

J.C. and P.J. at their engagement.

The romance between J.C. and P.J. is real. They are engaged to be married this year and although I already consider her a part of my family, it will be official.

How they met and the romance as portrayed within Search Beyond Lies is fiction. Speaking of romance, do you consider Search Beyond Lies a Romantic Suspense Thriller or a Suspense Thriller with a dash of romance? The next article will look at the “rules” for determining genre and survey what the readers feel, after all, it’s the readers that count, not the rules.

writing, inspiration, time, events, characters, Thyme for Writers, books, articles, short stories, graduation, Washington, D.C., Georgetown School of Medicine, army, residency, neurosurgery, radiation, Radiological Health Sciences
Priscilla Jane, Karen, J.C. & Joe

© 2023 Karen VDH Fischer

Search Beyond Lies: Fact or Fiction – The Paintings

In the last Fact or Fiction article for Search Beyond Lies – The Clues: Part 2, I left you with a mystery about the real glasses. A particular painting was the source of a few of the clues revealed in the book. Does this painting exist? If it does exist, who is the artist? How about the other painting described in detail?

the artist

art gallery, Denver

Brian Perri did in fact have a favorite artist and he collected a number of this artist’s paintings. The name of “Brett’s” favorite artist in the book is fiction. As a matter of fact, that fictitious name is an alternate since unbeknownst to me (until pointed out by one of my beta readers), the original name I planned to use belongs to a professional basketball player.

The real artist’s name is Greg Pettit. Brian discovered Greg’s paintings in a Denver art gallery and since he found his paintings fascinating at many levels, he started collecting his work.

  • Greg uses colors that bring joy.
  • Every time you look at his paintings you discover something new.
  • His work inspires creativity.
  • Each painting is unique.
  • The work is captivating.

The painting

The clue-revealing painting described within Search Beyond Lies is a real painting that was painted by Greg Pettit. It is now owned by J.C. and came into his possession in the manner described in the book.

Painting by Greg Pettit
Artist: Greg Pettit

This painting can captivate someone for hours, and it was a source of inspiration for me. Since I know I didn’t do the painting justice in its description, I received permission from Greg Pettit to post a picture of it. If you want to explore more of Greg’s work, feel free to click his name which is linked to his Instagram account or copy and paste: greg_pettit@instagram.

the other painting

To my knowledge, Brian did not paint. The example I used of “Brett’s” painting hobby was that of a skunk painted on the wall of his parents’ guest bathroom. You could not sit on the commode without the skunk’s lifted tail aimed at you. The fact that the character, Brett, painted it was fiction.

Painting of a Skunk with lifted tail, by Brett Rosenberg
Artist: Brett Rosenberg

However, the painting itself is fact and was painted by a family friend, Brett Rosenberg. It is the real Brett’s hobby – he is very creative, a great artist, and is a Radiation Health Physicist, as Brian was in life, and as my character, Brett is in Search Beyond Lies. I received Brett’s permission to share it with you. It brings a smile to my face every time I use their guest bathroom.

What would you like to see for the next Fact or Fiction article for Search Beyond Lies?

© 2023 Karen VDH Fischer


Today’s post was supposed be the first Fact or Fiction article of 2023, however, I experienced an unusual act of kindness I just had to share. Can You Imagine?

What most writers dread

The 90th Birthday Celebration!

Marketing is the bane of most writers’ existence, and I’m no exception. My trip to South Florida was a combination of business and my dad’s 90th birthday celebration. While there, I decided to take photos of Search Beyond Lies with natural backgrounds to use in marketing. I found what I believed to be an ideal location on the bridge that crosses the inlet.

the bridge

Since currents are extremely rough, it opens on demand and there is always a bridge operator. I selected a great spot and started taking photos and videos. I didn’t think about the dynamics of how I needed to move to capture these photos and the thought of what I may have looked like never occurred to me until…

the bridge operator

The bridge operator came rushing out of his shelter to make sure I was alright — carrying a beautiful rose. Can you imagine what he must have thought?

When I explained what I was doing, a grin spread across his face. He handed me the rose and wished me blessings on my day. I can only imagine why he had this picture-perfect rose in the first place…

What an incredible act of kindness!! He definitely made my day as I took the remainder of my photos with the rose.

My walk

My 3-mile walk turned into 6.5 miles. With a smile on my face, I took photos of my book and special rose in a multitude of scenic places:

Along the inlet…

On the beach next to the inlet…

In the park, and …

My day was truly blessed!

A writer friend of mine started sharing quotes as a ministry during COVID and one of her primary topics is kindness. What are the most unusual acts of kindness you have experienced? Any ideas to share? We’d love to hear about them!

The first Fact or Fiction article of 2023 will reveal what was fact and what was fiction about the paintings found in Search Beyond Lies. Stay tuned!

© 2023 Karen VDH Fischer


What about that New Year’s resolution? Did you make yours? If you did, how long is your list? My New Year’s resolutions started in middle school and continued for more years than I’d like to count. They included what most people placed on their list, although they varied based on the time of my life:

  • avoiding sweets,
  • exercising,
  • losing weight (especially after having babies),
  • meeting new people (I was very shy — notice the past tense), and
  • providing additional community service hours…. .

Although my resolutions were made with good intentions and were always meritorious, there was an undeniable common thread — I inevitably broke them. The question was how long did I maintain before I failed?

new year’s resolutions: overcoming failure

With failure came disappointment, frustration, and a sense of loss. My motivation went out the window, after all, I already failed. I stopped making New Year’s resolutions a number of years ago, however, I never threw the baby out with the bath water. My thinking, focus, and approach changed.

new year’s goals

goals, New Years, Search Beyond Lies

I no longer make New Year’s resolutions, I make New Year’s goals. According to the dictionary, a goal is “the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.” I create goals and strive to achieve them.

It’s okay to get off track, I can always get myself back on without a sense of failure. It’s a healthier, positive outlook that keeps me on track.

suspense thriller, romantic suspense, Colorado, Rocky Mountains, action

My article, On the Road to Healthy Living: Foolproof Your Plan! provides the road map to successfully meet your New Year’s goals. Encouraged by the success of Search Beyond Lies, the first book in the Search & Recovery International (SRI) series, my professional goals for 2023 include:

  • releasing the audio version of Search Beyond Lies;
  • continuing to grow my law practice;
  • continuing the Fact or Fiction Series for Search Beyond Lies as well as other Fact or Fiction articles for guest authors;
  • releasing the second in the SRI series, After the Verdict;
  • working toward getting the third in the SRI series, Pattern of Deception, ready for my editors; and
  • doing the research for the 4th in the SRI series which takes place in Hawaii.

My other goals include remaining physically fit, increasing my physical performance, staying within the low range of my ideal body weight in anticipation of the planning and celebration that goes into the next goal — my son’s wedding!

There is no doubt that 2023 will be a big year! Accordingly, I plan to post at least twice monthly, more with guest authors.

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy, and productive 2023! God bless!

Any tips? Please share.

(C) 2023 Karen VDH Fischer

Search Beyond Lies: Fact or Fiction – The Clues: Part 2

In The Clues Part 1 of the last Fact or Fiction article for Search Beyond Lies, we learned that the existence of the glasses Charlie discovered was fact. The way they were discovered was fiction. The story behind the glasses still makes my head spin….

The History Behind the Glasses

Brian was an avid hiker with a goal of hiking all the 14ers. Par for the course, his sunglasses took a beating. J.C. was also hard on sunglasses so as a tit for tat type of joke, they gave each other their favorite sunglasses for their birthdays. At the time, J.C. liked a certain style of Ray-Ban® sunglasses.

Brian & J.C. hiking wearing the infamous sunglasses.

The sunglasses

The day before J.C.’s birthday, 8 months after Brian’s last hike, a small package was delivered to our home for J.C. By this time, J.C. had started a new job back east, so he asked me to open it. They were Ray-Ban® sunglasses. He asked who the sender was and where it originated from. Logical questions.


The answers, however, did not make sense. They were sent from Estonia and the sender was his father, my husband. Clearly, he did not send them. Not only had my husband never been to Estonia, but even if he had, he would have sent a gift to his son’s new residence.

Hmmm. I took a picture of the sunglasses and texted it to J.C. They were his favorite style….

The investigation

I called Ray-Ban® and was advised that they could be counterfeits. They did not distribute from Estonia, and they were made only in Italy or China. I checked the packaging and tag. These were made in Italy, or so the tag said. The next step was to take it to an authorized distributor who had the capabilities to inspect and determine whether they were genuine Ray-Ban® sunglasses.

Italy City Scape

I did and they were genuine Ray-Ban® sunglasses. Hmmm.

friends and family

J.C. called every one of his family and friends who may have given him those sunglasses for his birthday. He struck out. No one he knew sent him those glasses.


Who sent those sunglasses? Maybe it’s only my novelist’s imagination, but I’m not 100% sure Brian is no longer with us….

© 2022 Karen VDH Fischer

suspense thriller, romantic suspense, Colorado, Rocky Mountains, action

Search Beyond Lies is available on Amazon.

Search Beyond Lies: Fact or Fiction – The Clues Part 1

In the last Fact or Fiction article for Search Beyond Lies, we discovered that the story surrounding the discovery that Brett was missing was fact. In this article, we’ll take a look at the clues revealed during the search. As promised, there are no spoilers.

The Car

The clues revealed inside the car as well as in the trunk are fact with one exception. There was a playlist on the iPod in the car that was not typical of Brian’s preferred music, just as it was atypical of the playlist discovered for the character, Brett. Therefore, the existence of the iPod with unusual music is fact. However, the music selection on the iPod as outlined in the book as well as the reasons for the selection, were fiction.


the clues along the hike

The character, James, discovered a number of clues while he searched for Brett. In the book, he discovered these clues primarily while on the search with Charlie. The possible purposes behind the “clues” that were revealed within the book are fact. Those “clues” were actually discovered, so they were fact. The fiction lies with whom he discovered these “clues.” In the book, he was with Charlie, in reality, J.C. was with Kimo.

Searching for Brian

To avoid spoilers, I won’t reveal the clues here. If you’ve read the book and have specific questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I’d be happy to tell you the specifics

the glasses

The glasses discovered by Charlie in Chapter 1 did in fact exist. However, the manner in which they were discovered within the book is pure fiction.

Rocky Mountain National Park

Because of the incredible story behind these real glasses, it needed an article all its own. Therefore, Part 2 of this mini-series will delve into the surprising story behind the glasses, so you’ll definitely want to stay tuned for Part 2. It’s a story that still makes me shake my head and wonder… .

© 2022 Karen VDH Fischer

suspense thriller, romantic suspense, Colorado, Rocky Mountains, action

Search Beyond Lies is available on Amazon.

How the Pioneers Really Fared on the Oregon Trail Part 2 of The Sojourners’ Quest “Fact or Fiction” A Blog by Donna Wichelman

Part 1 of The Sojourners’ Quest, “Fact or Fiction,” discussed the hard facts of life for pioneers who crossed the American continent by wagon train on the Overland trails. In Part 2, we’ll consider three elements of fact or fiction in the story.

1. The Sojourners’ Quest opens with Irish-born heroine Sarah Byrne riding on the box of a Prairie Schooner with her employer, the Reverend Matthew Sinclair—a protestant clergyman—walking next to the wagon nudging his team of six mules forward. Which scenario would be most accurate—riding or walking?

Teams of six to twelve mules or horses or four to six oxen comprised the animals hauling the Prairie Schooners. Still, men, women, and children usually walked alongside the wagons due to the rough terrain and lack of suspension on the wagons.

Only the sick or weak would ride inside the Prairie Schooners. Sarah had walked most of the way, but her shoes were so thinly worn that they hurt her feet to walk in them. Unfortunately, ragged shoes and sore feet were facts of life for the emigrants who walked the two thousand miles across the continent.

2. The Sojourners’ Quest takes place during the summer of 1869. Hadn’t wagon trains become a thing of the past by then?

Not entirely, but they were on their way out. Between 1836 – 1869, more than 420,000 people traversed the continent on wagon trains. By May 10, 1869, the Transcontinental Railroad between New York and San Francisco gave people a different option. Though wagon trains operated through the 1880s, most people migrated west on the railroad. Steam locomotives could travel 40 miles an hour—4 days from coast to coast with less time in between. Wagon trains took 4 to 6 months, depending upon the weather.

Taking the wagon train made sense for Sarah, Matthew, and his two children. Matthew had books and heirlooms to carry. Besides, the first railroad to climb the steeper elevations connecting Denver with the mining communities wasn’t built until 1872 into Black Hawk through the steep and narrow Clear Creek canyon. The railroad didn’t stretch as far as Georgetown, Colorado, until August 1877.

Sarah and Matthew would still have had to get to Georgetown by Prairie Schooner once they arrived in Denver.

3. Early in the story, Sarah says of her life in Ireland, “How could any of us [women] survive the kind of poverty so devastating that it’s driven us to descend upon this United States in droves?” Several factors contributed to the mass emigration of men and women to the United States from Ireland in the nineteenth century.

The most significant influence for women like Sarah after the Irish potato famine of the 1840s and 50s was a change in the social and economic climate that discriminated against unmarried women, particularly those from the lower class. The combination of inheritance laws that favored the moneyed class and a lack of opportunities for employment made options for making a living nearly impossible.

Moreover, without a dowry, young women had no chance of marrying. Their families encouraged them to emigrate, and the majority worked as domestics in the homes of wealthier Americans, allowing them to earn a living. It would be a fortunate Irish maiden who also found love while serving in such a home.

(c) 2022 Donna Wichelman

The Oregon Trail

The Sojourners’ Quest

Novelette Prequel to the Singing Silver Mine Series

Sarah Byrne left everything behind to escape the poverty of her Irish homeland. But will she make a better life in America and find love?

Born into the lower class of Irish society, Sarah Byrne had no dowry, no chance of marrying well, no way of earning a living to rise out of her miry bog. When best friend Mary insists she must emigrate to America to make better than butter and egg money and find a man to marry, Sarah risks her life on a disease-ridden ship to sail across the Atlantic.

But leaving the land and people she loves proves more difficult than she had thought as Sarah combs the streets of New York for a job, and everywhere she turns, the signs read, “No Irish Need Apply.” Her only option: become the nanny for two children of a widowed minister who has accepted a position in the Rocky Mountains.

But will Sarah have the strength to cross the Great American Prairie in a covered wagon during the dusty heat of summer? And will her grief-stricken employer ever return the profound feelings she has developed for him?

Find out how and where love blooms in this novelette prequel to the Singing Silver Mine Series, an exciting new Historical Romance series that will take you on a journey into our deepest longings for love and contentment.

This novelette is a Giveaway. You may click on the following link to receive your free copy. 

Donna worked as a communications professional before turning to full-time writing. Her short stories, essays, and articles have appeared in various inspirational and secular publications, and she has two self-published books available on Weaving history and faith into stories of intrigue and redemption grew out of her love of history and literature as a young adult while attending the United World College of the Atlantic—an international college in Wales, U.K.

She still loves to explore the peoples and cultures of the world and views her writing as a ministry, developing plots that show how God’s love abounds even in the profoundly difficult circumstances of our lives. Her stories reflect the hunger in all of us for love, forgiveness, and belonging in a world that often withholds second chances.

You may find Donna at:

How the Pioneers Really Fared on the Oregon Trail Part 1 of The Sojourners’ Quest “Fact or Fiction” by Donna Wichelman

Recently, my husband and I took a road trip in a 300 hp Jeep Grand Cherokee to visit friends and family and sightsee the Midwest, Blue Ridge Mountains, and Eastern Seaboard. With autumn upon us, we packed the SUV with clothes and extra gear for inclement weather. A small ice chest and picnic basket held a stash of food, utensils, and paper products for eating along the road. Other times we pulled off to get a bite to eat. Gas and hotels were plentiful.

Jeep Grand Cherokee: Compliments of Pixabay
Ice Chest: Compliments of Dreamstime

We reveled in comfort on our twenty-first-century high-speed freeways, loving our heated seats on cold mornings and audiobooks downloaded on an iPhone to keep us from boredom on long stretches of road. Minus the days we enjoyed with friends and sightseeing, we spent seventy-two hours on the road and drove forty-six hundred miles from door to door.

United States Map: Compliments of Dreamstime

Our trip provoked reflection on how my characters fared, migrating across the continent in the nineteenth century on the Oregon and Overland Trails in a covered wagon.

Abandoning their homes in the east, pioneers left most belongings behind in favor of necessities to sustain them throughout their travels. They drove in covered wagons—Praire Schooners—wooden boxes that measured four feet wide, ten feet long, and three feet deep.

The box sat on four wheels made of wood, iron bands fastened to the outside rims, and was covered with a double-thick canvas coated with linseed oil for waterproofing. They tied the ends for privacy or protection from the elements

Prairie Schooners weighed thirteen hundred pounds and required teams of horses, mules, or oxen to pull. Poor suspension and rough roads meant people preferred to walk alongside the wagons rather than endure lurching in the box. They wore through their leather boots quickly, tolerating run-down shoes. Traveling two miles per hour—fifteen to twenty miles per day—the two-thousand-mile trip took four to six months, depending on the weather.

Pioneers constructed their wagons with interior storage; some had false bottoms with extra storage below. Few towns and scarce services meant carting hundreds of pounds of flour, lard, bacon, beans, fruit, coffee, and salt. They also carried cornmeal, eggs, potatoes, rice, yeast, and a large barrel of water tied to the side of the wagon. Halfway across the hot, barren prairie, water often ran out, and they collected it crossing rivers or during rare rainstorms. Cattle and people withered without it.

Typical Prairie Schooner: Compliments of Pixabay

They also carried a reflector oven (tin kitchen) to cook meals, consisting of meat hunted along the trail, baked bread, hard tack, beans, bacon, and dried fruits. Without an ice source, they preserved their food with salt, and without kindling on the prairie, they collected buffalo chips (dried animal feces) to fire up the reflector oven and start campfires.

Reflector Oven: eBay Collection

Kettle: Compliments of Pixabay

Movies and historical fiction novels give romantic notions of travel on the Oregon Trail. But diseases such as cholera, accidents, swollen rivers, and exhaustion took nine out of ten lives. The Oregon Trail afforded little time for leisure. Most pioneers spent their days walking the trail, tending camp, and fending off various dangers, including snake bites and nefarious folks stealing vital resources. Suicide was common.

Only faith and long-suffering kept the pioneers’ hopes and dreams alive. They deserve great honor and respect for risking all to obtain a better life in the west.

(c) 2022 Donna Wichelman

The Sojourners’ Quest

Novelette Prequel to the Singing Silver Mine Series

Sarah Byrne left everything behind to escape the poverty of her Irish homeland. But will she make a better life in America and find love?

Born into the lower class of Irish society, Sarah Byrne had no dowry, no chance of marrying well, no way of earning a living to rise out of her miry bog. When best friend Mary insists she must emigrate to America to make better than butter and egg money and find a man to marry, Sarah risks her life on a disease-ridden ship to sail across the Atlantic.

But leaving the land and people she loves proves more difficult than she had thought as Sarah combs the streets of New York for a job, and everywhere she turns, the signs read, “No Irish Need Apply.” Her only option: become the nanny for two children of a widowed minister who has accepted a position in the Rocky Mountains.

But will Sarah have the strength to cross the Great American Prairie in a covered wagon during the dusty heat of summer? And will her grief-stricken employer ever return the profound feelings she has developed for him?

Find out how and where love blooms in this novelette prequel to the Singing Silver Mine Series, an exciting new Historical Romance series that will take you on a journey into our deepest longings for love and contentment.

This novelette is a Giveaway. You may click on the following link to receive your free copy. 

Donna worked as a communications professional before turning to full-time writing. Her short stories, essays, and articles have appeared in various inspirational and secular publications, and she has two self-published books available on

Weaving history and faith into stories of intrigue and redemption grew out of her love of history and literature as a young adult while attending the United World College of the Atlantic—an international college in Wales, U.K. She still loves to explore the peoples and cultures of the world and views her writing as a ministry, developing plots that show how God’s love abounds even in the profoundly difficult circumstances of our lives. Her stories reflect the hunger in all of us for love, forgiveness, and belonging in a world that often withholds second chances.

You may find Donna at:

Search Beyond Lies: Fact or Fiction – Missing

On July 5, 2018, Brian Perri was reported missing on Mount Meeker, one of the most dangerous mountains in Rocky Mountain National Park. Search Beyond Lies, Book One in the Search & Recovery International Series is a work of fiction, whose inspiration lies in a rare type of friendship J.C. Fischer and Kimo McEwen had with Brian where they put their lives on hold and jeopardized their safety and well-being to search for him. Was the manner in which Brian was discovered missing fact or fiction?

J.C. and Kimo searching for Brian Perri.
J.C. and Kimo

discovered missing

The manner in which the character, Brett, was discovered missing in Chapter 1 is fact. From his failure to show up at the defense, to the condition of the apartment during the welfare check is fact, including the participation of the character James. The description of the police officer is fiction.

The Last Known Location

Mount Meeker, Rocky Mountain National Park, Brian Perri

A selfie revealed the last known location was the summit. That is where the search began, and that is fact. The when, where, and to whom the selfie was sent, are fact as well as the reasons a missing person’s report was not filed at that time.

the car

The description of the car, where it was parked, and the events surrounding it are fact.

the park rangers

  • Fact: The work of the Alpine Team. A number of these dedicated Park Rangers continued their search on their days off as volunteers – they would not give up.
  • Fact: The existence of the Community Liaison and the Park Rangers’ reasons for deterring volunteers.
  • What was written about the search and rescue dogs are true. You’ll have to read the book to see their role.
bull elk, Rocky Mountain National Park
Bull Elk in Rocky Mountain National Park

Since I don’t appreciate spoilers, you’ll notice that I intentionally did not include any. I want you to enjoy the book while appreciating what is fact and what is fiction.

In the next Fact or Fiction article for Search Beyond Lies, we’ll take a look at the clues revealed during the search. I promise not to include spoilers.

suspense thriller, romantic suspense, Colorado, Rocky Mountains, action

Search Beyond Lies is available on Amazon.

© 2022 Karen VDH Fischer