The King and I with Diane Egge

I would like to welcome my next guest, Diane Egge on Thyme for Writers. Diane has had several poems, short stories, newspaper articles, and children’s stories published. According to Diane, she is currently being challenged by writing her first novel. Her frequently visited places include the back of her horse (especially in the mountains), behind the lens of her camera—still trying to take the perfect photo, playing the keys on her piano, or traveling with her husband to see their three kids and seven grandchildren.

children's stories, write, publish
How Many Cats Are in My Bed by Diane Egge
The King and I

by Diane Egge

God had Samuel anoint the young man, David, to be king over Israel. Being a shepherd and the youngest of eight brothers, I’m sure he felt awe, excitement, and confusion as to why he’d been chosen. Perhaps he had some unbelief also.

Thyme for Writers, Diane Egge
Blood, Water, Wind, and Stone
An Anthology of Wyoming Writers

God spoke to me that He wanted me to write. He said go to the local college and take creative writing classes. I did. I received all A’s, and I had some of my stories and poetry published. I had fun, and I loved to write.

David learned much about being a king by playing music in the courts of Saul. Then he proved himself as a warrior when he killed Goliath. Later, he led Saul’s armies into victory after victory. He seemed ready to be king.

God gave me a story to write. When I finished my first draft, I thought it was ready to be published. After all, God gave me the story, right? Wrong. I had not learned about POV, show not tell, and the many other things involved in writing a novel. I went into a season of revision.

When King Saul heard the people shout praises to the mighty warrior, David, he became jealous. He decided to kill his competition. David entered into a season of running for his life.

For both David and I, there have been obstacles and more obstacles. Even though mine haven’t been the life and death kind, they’ve still been discouraging. As the months turned into years, I’m sure David had some doubts about his calling, as I have. Did I hear you right, God? If this is you, why is it so hard and taking so long? Maybe I’m supposed to stick with poetry and short stories. After all, that’s what I’ve been successful doing. Success is the goal, right?

Yet, God’s answer to me is always the same. Write and get your book published. I’ve finally figured out it’s not so much about telling my story as learning to persevere and be obedient. David is my inspiration. He persisted until he became king.

Thyme for Writers, The King and I
Diane Egge

In spite of being stuck in revision, I still feel it’s fun to write. I’m thankful God has called me to create stories and put them on paper. Maybe this will be the year my manuscript gets published. If not, I will enjoy the journey.

You may either contact Diane or check out one of her works through the following links:

Facebook: Diane Egge Author