Book Marketing & the Reader – Part 1

I recently attended a virtual Summit on Bestseller Secrets and wanted to share a few tips I gleaned for book marketing. As a reader and not just an author, I did not necessarily agree with each speaker’s ideas and points, but you may. Author and reader input is requested! The highlights and relevant tips for Part 1 follow.

Amazon’s category change

L.A. Sartor, Christmas, Best-Selling Author, job, goal, burnout, Prince of Granola, The Chunky Method Handbook, Thyme for Writers

Amazon revamped their categories which could drastically affect readers finding your books on Amazon. Rather than going into detail here, L.A. Sartor published a great blog titled, Authors, Big Amazon News. I highly recommend you check it out.


We’ve all heard over and over the critical nature of sending regular newsletters. Key in creating newsletters is to have a subscriber list you can send it to, and the more the merrier. Growing it is no easy task, especially when as authors, we want to spend time writing our books. Authors, what do you need?

Writer’s Retreat (from left to right) with Donna Wichelman, L.A. Sartor, Sandi Rog, K.V. Fischer, Audra Harders, Candee Fick

First on the list is a giveaway — something your potential subscribers would like to receive in exchange for signing up to your list. If you are a nonfiction writer, this can include something as simple as a helpful checklist. But alas, fiction writers don’t get off that easily. We need to provide what we love – story. I intend to write the story behind how and why Search & Recovery International was created. Would you be interested in that story? If you choose to subscribe to my Mailing List before it’s ready to be released, you will still receive that story as well as any other giveaways I provide.

The next question is based on frequency. How often should you email your subscriber list? Every single speaker at this summit pushed daily emails to grow your subscriber list. Hmmm.

I subscribed to several of them to see what they did and how I felt about it. One week later, I unsubscribed to all but 2, and one of those 2 only sent me one email because it was her birthday and she let me know she will not be sending emails that week. We’ll see how long she lasts before I unsubscribe. Frankly, I find it harassment, but each of these speakers have evidently found it successful for them. What are your thoughts?

The Marketing Plan

It was unanimous – to sell books, you must have a marketing plan in place prior to your book’s release. More on that to come. By the way, tomorrow Search Beyond Lies is available as an Amazon Countdown Deal for 1 week. It will be available for .99 for 3 1/2 days and then move to $1.99 for 3 1/2 more days before it goes back to 3.99. If you have Kindle Unlimited, it’s free.

Do you have a plan?

© 2023 Karen VDH Fischer

A suspense thriller with a dash of romance, Search Beyond Lies tells the story

suspense thriller, romantic suspense, Colorado, Rocky Mountains, action
Search Beyond Lies, Book One in the Search & Recovery International Series

of the search for a missing scientist, a top-secret project, and a ticking clock. Desperate to find his friend and mentor, James Frankel knows that only former Army Ranger, Charlie Sommer can help him. But how can he trust a woman who’s keeping secrets?

As a former Army Ranger, Charlie Sommers garnered the reputation of having the highest search and rescue success rate, but she’s plagued by the one she left behind. Now she’s on the verge of an exciting new beginning as a part of Search & Recovery International where her secrets are safe. There’s only one problem: the new assignment will take her back to Colorado and the loss that still haunts her.

The clock is ticking down. With their lives–and their hearts–at risk, Charlie and James join forces in an attempt to save the scientist and the world from catastrophe while finding the truth beyond lies in this action-packed thriller. It is available at

Publish Don’t Perish – Another Great Resource

In Tip #13 of my Publish Don’t Perish Series, I shared resources writers might find valuable. This article provides another great resource I wish to add to that Publish Don’t Perish resource list. One of my favorite authors, L.A. Sartor, started a YouTube channel for writers. Trust me, she is a wealth of information.

The Channel

Her channel is devoted to all things writers need to create better work (techniques). It also encompasses marketing their work, including mailing lists and how to make them work for the author; the ability to learn tips and tricks from other authors; and how to publish independently.  She wants to challenge the viewer, praise them, and offer solutions.

L.A. Sartor as a Teacher

L.A. Sartor, Christmas, Best-Selling Author, job, goal, burnout, Prince of Granola, The Chunky Method Handbook, Thyme for Writers
L.A. Sartor

I personally know how L.A. works and how she teaches. She works patiently, with enough detail in each lesson to make it palatable and heart felt. No harsh rules, just suggestions. Her preference is for people to try and see if they make a difference. L.A. thinks they will, which is why she is so excited about moving this channel forward.

Check It Out

If you are a writer, and are interested in a valuable resource, please subscribe to L.A. Sartor’s YouTube Channel. Since it is a new channel, she needs 100 subscribers to obtain her personal link. Until then, you can check out her subscription link at . Clearly, a personalized link would be easiest.

Search beyond lies update

A photo of Mount Meeker & Longs Peak by Jim Franckum

As for the promised update on my novel, Search Beyond Lies (inspired by Brian Perri and his friends who searched for him without giving up), I am just about ready to send it to my professional content editor, Candee Fick. Although my previous two books were traditionally published, my goal is to be in a position to donate a percentage of the profits of this book to the Humane Society and/or search and rescue training for dogs. The traditional route does not give me this option.
I will keep you posted!

Publish Don’t Perish – Tip #13: Gather Your Resources

As writers, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the process of getting that story from your head to “paper.” However, in the publishing environment we find ourselves in today, it’s important to gather your resources. Authors need to know how to edit their work, set up a business, get that book published (traditionally or independently), and market their book, among other things.

The purpose of this article is to present you with a resource page that will provide you with additional tools to make your journey easier. You’ll find experienced authors and professionals who can coach you, assist you with your writing, editing, technology, and business as well as marketing tips.

The Author Toolbox — Candee Fick

writers, authors, resources, toolbox, encouragement, fun, romantic suspense, journey, writer’s journey, adventure, tips, direction, research, joy, funny, inspiration, thyme, time, Focus on Love
Author Candee Fick

Author Candee Fick accumulated over 100 of her favorite tools for authors and shared them in The Author Toolbox. She also provides mentoring, hands-on advice, and personal coaching in person for those in the northern Colorado area, or via Skype, or phone for those further away. Candee is also the acquisitions and content editor for a Christian press.

Watch your grammar – Amanda Cabot

Amanda Cabot

Since the mechanics of writing is critical, it’s essential to watch your grammar. Amanda Cabot’s R & R: Raves and Rants provides you with that essential tool that will help you avoid those inevitable mistakes. In my article, Publish Don’t Perish – Tip #12: Watch Your Grammar, I provide a brief description and link to each of Amanda’s invaluable articles which can be found on L.A. Sartor’s blog, An Indie Adventure — another invaluable resource.

Pageant Wagon Publishing — Kathryn Ross

clove, lemon oil, cinnamon, garden, harvestwriters, spice, fall recipes, editors, healing, manuscript
Kathryn Ross

If you’re interested in a Christian writing mentor or an independent publisher who can help you develop your book idea into a print publication, you may want to reach out to Kathryn Ross, Author, Book Shepherd, Independent Publisher, Pageant Wagon Publishing, 856-205-9334.

Time management & the multifaceted solution to getting to the end -apods

Amanda Cabot’s APODS Series is an incredible must read for not only authors, but EVERYONE. In Publish Don’t Perish – Tip #5: Apply APODS to Your Life, hI provide a one stop post that provides a link with a summary of each of Amanda’s articles for your convenience. You won’t want to miss it.

legal advice for your business

Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer

If you live in Colorado or Florida and need assistance with your business, intellectual property concerns, or estate planning, see what Karen VDH Fischer LLC has to offer or email me at

If you have any recommendations for our fellow writers, please feel free to share!

(c) 2020 Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer

Publish Don’t Perish Tip #9 — TREAT WRITING AS A BUSINESS

Tip #9 in the Publish Don’t Perish Series is — TREAT WRITING AS A BUSINESS. It is a business, whether full time or part time, depending on where you are in life. Since it is a business, you should treat it as one. What does this mean?

A Multifaceted Business

My earlier article explained how writing is a multifaceted business. It’s not just about writing your story, although that is a critical piece — without the story, there is no business. With that in mind, it’s important to reach out to other writers; know where your go-to resources are with helpful tools, hints, and knowledge.

Tools of the Trade

writing, publishing, story, fiction, novel, mistakes, writing mistakes, Thyme for Writers, journey, Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colorado, agents, editors, craft, skills, writers conference, tools, titles
The Author Toolbox

Your business needs to be set up with the tools of your trade. As a writer, this involves a number of electronic tools, including at a minimum, internet, a computer (unfortunately with electronic submissions, etc., the typewriter is history), printer, and smart phone. Because the author is expected to handle most of the marketing, even with a traditional publisher, additional tools include a website, social media, and access to someone who can help you in case of technical difficulties, which are guaranteed to occur.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, most people must work from home. For a writer, that’s the status quo. With more and more people working from home, there are additional considerations that can make life easier.

What tools do you recommend?

(c) 2020 Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer

The Writing Life and Choices of an Otherworldly Writer — Roulf Burrell

Roulf Burrell

In this last part of Jane Choate’s interview with Roulf Burrell, we will get a glimpse into the writing life of an amazing otherworldly writer and the reasons behind certain choices.

What is your writing schedule like?

dining, Highlands, North Carolina, Recipe
Coffee Shops

Ouch! It’s getting personal. I write in spurts and have a hard time beginning. It helps to go to libraries or coffee shops where I have nothing else to do. I also write at my church, as my wife works in the children’s ministry.

Sometimes, new ideas pop into my head, and as I jot them down, I slip into expanding them rather than finishing my prior work. Or some bad news regarding the beginner’s chances in the publishing industry claws its way out of this month’s media “click-bait” graveyard, and I’m left wondering, “Why bother? I have the same chance of success as having lightning strike me.” But like a dry cleaner pulling an all-nighter, I press on.

What do you do for promotion?

I have a website— WordPress (my website management system) has been an educational challenge technically and fun artistically, though I find it awkward placing myself out there as an interesting topic.

Websites and media platforms are all part of the marketing arm for authors today. Marketing and science fiction blend well, as both relate an aggressive form of a gravity well commonly known as a black hole.

What compels you to write?

After trying my hand at many things, I finally met my match – in a good way. I get the same kick out of painting and constructing with words I imagine Michelangelo got out of the hammer, a chisel and a rock.


What can you share regarding self publishing?

One of the first decisions any author faces today is whether to try and publish with a traditional publisher, or self-publish. And the pros and cons to each could fill another article. But for me, the issue boiled down to rejection and control.

Dr. Seuss’s first book was rejected 27 times. He became so disillusioned he had decided to take his manuscript home and burn it, when he ran into an old school acquaintance – a children’s book editor. I don’t believe I would ever survive such a process, so I’ll take another alternative, if offered.

Thyme for Writers, books, journey, writer, author, novel

Control is my other issue. With self-publishing, I control all the factors. But that means I’m responsible for any and all failures, as well as successes. I must edit for internal consistency. Edit again for grammar. Find my own beta-readers. I have to design a cover, or pay for an artist to do it. A table of contents must be made, chapters separated, the text formatted and converted, images added. 

I’m sure you have enjoyed this journey with author, Roulf Burrell, as much as I have. If you’re a writer, what compels you to write? If your goal is publication, which avenue would you choose to take and why?

Thyme For Writers: Spicing Up a Book Launch with Candee Fick

We welcome back Candee Fick to Thyme for Writers with Spicing Up a  Book Launch!

important dates, book launch, advanced reader copy, Focus on Love, Candee Fick, brainstorming, fiction, nonfiction, inspiration
Thyme For Writers: Spicing Up a Book Launch with Candee Fick

As a writer seeking publication, there are a few dates that will stand out in your memory almost as much as the day you got married or when your children were born. There’s the day you got “the call” that you were being offered a contract. Then there’s the first day you hold that advanced reader copy in your hands and smell the ink (don’t pretend you didn’t!) And then there’s launch day…

A typical book launch revolves around spreading the word. “Hey, I’ve got a new book coming out and you should buy it.” (Which I do. And yes, you should. But that’s not the point of this post…) Authors roll up their sleeves, create memes and other graphics, schedule guest blog posts, email their list, plan a party, get some prizes, set up a few giveaways, and maybe even buy a few ads on Facebook to gain visibility.

important dates, book launch, advanced reader copy, Focus on Love, Candee Fick, brainstorming, fiction, nonfiction, inspiration, theme, marketing, social media

Which is all good stuff to do as you generate buzz for your new book. After all, marketing experts say it takes seven exposures to your message before someone will act.

However, with the hundreds of books coming out this year and all those authors doing the same pre-launch tactics, how do you make your book stand out above the crowd? How do you attract a reader’s attention long enough for them to take those second, third, sixth, and seventh looks so you can make the sale?

It’s “thyme” to spice up your book launch with a theme that somehow ties into your book (or at least into the season). Perhaps the best way to make this point is with a few examples to spark your own creativity.

football, tailgate, coaching, important dates, book launch, advanced reader copy, Focus on Love, Candee Fick, brainstorming, fiction, nonfiction, inspiration, theme, marketing, social media

For my debut novel with a college football setting, I planned a virtual tailgate party to “kickoff” the book. During the event, we discussed topics like tailgating food, uniforms, mascots, and marching bands to capture the favor of a college football program. I also used words like pre-game, halftime, fourth quarter, and overtime in some of my marketing language.

My second novel was set in a dinner theater so, like in real show business, I encouraged folks to buy their “tickets” to Opening Day with a countdown until the curtain would rise. Backstage tours, glimpses at the costuming, plus lots of videos to capture the music and rhythm of dancing feet all helped pull readers into the story world and pique their interest.

One friend’s book was set around a fashion consignment store in Hollywood. Her online launch party held a “red carpet” theme where she actually introduced each character as if they were arriving to the party and even described what they were wearing.

In addition to finding inspiration from the book’s setting, you can also plan to build buzz around the title. To launch her book, Charming the Troublemaker, another friend had a bunch of fellow writers at a conference pose for pictures holding a Snicker’s candy bar with the word “troublemaker” on it. During the countdown to launch, she posted those pictures on Facebook and asked people to vote whether that particular person was sweet, salty, or both. Weekly votes narrowed the field until there was one winner of the troublemaker title…and everyone remembered the name of her book (or at least part of it!).

important dates, book launch, advanced reader copy, Focus on Love, Candee Fick, brainstorming, fiction, nonfiction, inspiration, theme, marketing, social media
Focus on Love by Candee Fick

While brainstorming plans for my next release on Tuesday, I too found inspiration in the title, Focus On Love, along with the fact that both main characters in the book are photographers. In January, when everyone was focused on new resolutions and a word for the year, I blogged about that theme. But once the calendar turned to February and Valentine’s Day approached, everyone had “love” on the brain. That’s when I started a photo contest and asked people to share pictures of love in action or things that they love with the hashtag #FocusOnLove. (Winner gets an autographed book and a Shutterfly gift card…because it’s photography. The contest ends on the 17th so there’s still plenty of time to participate!)

It’s too soon to tell if I’ve made my launch unique enough to be memorable, but I certainly have done my best to make my book stand out from the rest.

What about you? How can you spice up your next book launch? Is there a unique element or feature in your book that would get readers interested long enough to take another look at your story? Maybe it’s the setting. Or a career /profession. A family recipe or historical tie-in. Is there a holiday to celebrate like Christmas? How can you weave that into the graphics, prizes, party plans, and even headlines?

P.S. In case you wanted to know more about Focus On Love, you can pre-order it here. In addition to the photo contest mentioned above, you can also enter to win autographed copies of all three of my novels as well as another Shutterfly gift card here.

writers, authors, resources, toolbox, encouragement, fun, romantic suspense, journey, writer’s journey, adventure, tips, direction, research, joy, funny, inspiration, thyme, time, Focus on Love
Author Candee Fick

BIO: Candee Fick is a multi-published author in both fiction and non-fiction. She is also the wife of a high school football coach and the mother of three children, including a daughter with a rare genetic syndrome. When not busy with her day job, writing, or coaching other authors, she can be found cheering on the home team at sporting events, exploring the great Colorado outdoors, indulging in dark chocolate, and savoring happily-ever-after endings through a good book.

Find all of her books on Amazon here or sign up to receive email updates and get the first chapters of her novels for free. You can also find her online at

love, photography, book launch,
Focus on Love by Candee Fick

BOOK BLURB: Free-spirited Elizabeth Foster turned her back on her father’s photography business to pursue musical theater, but with a one-show contract, she’s a few weeks from unemployment forcing her home. Meanwhile sought-after photographer Ryan Callahan has put his career on hold to help his sister’s family while her husband is deployed, but the promise of a bigger assignment could lure him away from building a family of his own. If given the choice, what dreams would develop? Or will they learn to focus on love instead?

A Writer’s Journey with Tracy Krauss

I’d like to welcome our guest today, Tracy Krauss to Thyme for Writers. Tracy is a multi-published and award winning author and playwright with several books and plays in print. She lives in Tumbler Ridge, BC with her husband of 35 years and teaches secondary school Art, Drama and English.

Tracy Krauss, British Columbia, novels, marketing, Conspiracy of Bones, books, writing, publishing, writer’s life, journey
Tracy Krauss, Author or Conspiracy of Bones

When I first started writing over thirty years ago, I was just happy to clack away at my typewriter (yes – typewriter), dreaming of the day I’d see one of my books on a library shelf somewhere. I was in no hurry. Good thing, since it took me sixteen years to finish my first novel and another seven to finally find a publisher! Those were the days of researching at the library with a pen and paper, and filling actual (as opposed to virtual) wastebaskets with crumpled paper.

By the time I’d finally signed that first contract, this writer’s life had changed. Drastically. And in the past nine years, it hasn’t stopped changing. Although the traditional ‘agent-publisher’ route is still an option, it is no longer the only scenario. I’ve pretty much done the entire gamut – agent, traditional deals, royalties, fee for services (vanity press), and self-publishing using Create Space and Lightning Source. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages, but gone are the days of ‘just writing’. Modern authors have to be savvy business people, too.

Tracy Krauss, British Columbia, novels, marketing, Conspiracy of Bones, books, writing, publishing, writer’s life, journey
Thyme to Write

The biggest wake-up call for me after my first book came out was learning I was expected to do 90% of my own marketing. Beyond a word document, I hardly knew my way around a computer, let alone the internet! And social media? Phth! What’s that? But… necessity is a mighty teacher, let me tell you! The learning curve is still steep at times, but it feels more like a mildly paced yet enjoyable roller–coaster than one of those horrid spin-you-around-until-you-puke rides that nobody actually likes.

What’s my point? If the call is there, you’ll stick with it no matter what. Even after 20 plus books and plays in print, I feel excited about sitting down to write. I can’t imagine a day when I will say, “That’s it. I have no more stories to tell!” It just ain’t gonna happen.

Tracy Krauss, British Columbia, novels, marketing, Conspiracy of Bones, books, writing, publishing, writer’s life, journey
Conspiracy of Bones by Tracy Krauss

Speaking of that first book, I got the rights back to it after seven years and decided to revamp and re-publish it, and I’m giving it away on amazon absolutely free – no strings. (My way of thanking my readers.) CONSPIRACY OF BONES (formerly AND THE BEAT GOES ON) is available on amazon as an ebook for free. (Sorry – the paperback still costs money, but totally worth it!) If you’re interested, here’s the blurb:

Canadian born archaeologist Mark Graham unearths a remarkable discovery while at a dig in the mountains of Zimbabwe – pterodactyl remains and giant human bones buried together. Speculation leads to the possible existence of a mythical race known as ‘Nephilim’, a pre-flood people alleged to have descended from both gods and men.
But scepticism and sabotage delay Mark and his team as the dig site is compromised, putting their discovery – as well as Mark’s very life – in grave danger. Deceived and framed by trusted friends and colleagues, Mark struggles to safeguard his findings and protect his reputation in order to unearth the mystery behind the bones.

I’d love for you to check out any of my other novels as well. My work strikes a chord with readers looking for thought provoking, faith based, romantic suspense that is authentic and sometimes ‘edgy’. (Although not overtly, in my opinion.) All my books can be found by going to my website’s ‘Books’ page.

Thanks to Karen for having me here on Thyme for Writers.

Visit with Tracy or purchase her book at: -fiction on the edge without crossing the line-
Amazon Author page

On Writing Full Time with Jill Haymaker

I would like to welcome Jill Haymaker as our guest today on Thyme for Writers. Jill was born and raised in Indiana and Ohio. After high school, she attended Bowling Green State University before moving to Fort Collins, Colorado. Ms. Haymaker made her home in Fort Collins until her recent move to East Texas. She practiced family law in Fort Collins for the past 20 years. She has three grown children, a son and two daughters. She also has three granddaughters.

Jill Haymaker, writing, full time, author, Peakview, Colorado Series, marketing, writing schedule
Jill Haymaker

Jill has always had a passion for writing. Colorado Sunset was her first full length romance novel in her Peakview, Colorado series. Her latest book, Colorado Summer Stars is the seventh book in the series. If you love small town romance, you will love the characters in this series. She also has had several short stories published by Chicken Soup for the Soul, the most recent in the book Random Acts of Kindness.

When not practicing law or writing, Jill enjoys The Colorado mountains, horseback riding, gardening, long walks with her Shetland Sheepdog, Laddie, and spending time with her children and grandchildren. She enjoys their numerous sporting events. She is also an avid football fan and can be found on autumn weekends cheering on her favorite teams. She has a passion for working with high school youth- she is a youth group leader at her church, coaches a high school mock trial team and is a volunteer at cross country and track meets.

On Writing Full Time

by Jill Haymaker

Jill Haymaker, writing, full time, author, Peakview, Colorado Series, marketing, writing schedule
On Writing Full Time
Jill Haymaker

I recently quit my day job and moved to a new town and home, so that I could write full time. I was so excited. This would be great, nothing to do but write—all day, every day. But then the reality set in. I now had to figure out how to make a living writing. And how to manage my time.
Until now, my writing schedule had consisted of an hour or two here, an hour or two there. I soon learned, that if this was my full-time job, I needed to be more structured. I set up eight hour work days. Every morning I write for three or four hours, stopping every hour or two to stand up, stretch and take a short walk around my neighborhood, then I’m back at it until noon or after.

Most afternoons, I spend more time on marketing than actual writing. Back to paragraph one, where I said I need to make a living. I can’t say I’ve figured marketing out yet, but I’m getting closer. I keep trying new things, learning new techniques, and exploring social media for ideas. I now have time to read all those articles about marketing that I’ve saved over the years.

For the most part, I’m glad I made the leap. The solitariness of what I’m doing is hard sometimes. I need more interaction with the real world. On days when I feel isolated, I allow myself to take a day off. Last week I volunteered at a low income preschool one morning, and the next afternoon I helped cook and serve a meal at a homeless shelter. Both of these activities refreshed me and got me back to writing.

Jill Haymaker, writing, full time, author, Peakview, Colorado Series, marketing, writing schedule
Thyme to Write

Sometimes I worry that my writing is not making a difference in the world, but then I read an email or review from a reader who says my books give them hope, help them to never give up on finding love or happiness. I hope they do that. It’s definitely the message I try to convey. Meanwhile, I now have a job that’s flexible enough to work in many volunteer hours. I feel truly blessed by this opportunity that God has given me and I intend to make the most of it each and every day for as long as I can continue to write. I truly love what I do.

You can contact Jill or purchase her Peakview Series with the following links:

Buy link:

Social Media links:






Goodreads: https://www/

Jill Haymaker, writing, full time, author, Peakview, Colorado Series, marketing, writing schedule
Colorado Summer Stars by Jill Haymaker

Colorado Summer Stars by Jill Haymaker

How did her relationship go so wrong? When NICOLE PHILLIPS flees San Francisco after her boyfriend’s jealousy turns violent, she doesn’t know where to go next. Out of a job and a place to live, she heads to the only place she feels safe—her childhood home in the tiny town of Peakview, nestled high in the Colorado Rockies. The one place she’d sworn to never live again.

RICK BRADY was a skinny, nerdy kid, earning him the not-so-flattering nickname of Scarecrow in high school. He’d been glad to escape his reputation and leave Peakview behind. When his parents’ health begins to fail, he returns to Peakview and opens his own veterinarian practice on their ranch. He’s never really been in love, unless you count that crush he had on the most popular girl in school from kindergarten through senior year.

Now fifteen years after they both left town, they are back home and searching for answers to questions they can’t define. Beneath the beauty of the Colorado summer stars, they reconnect. They soon discover that it’s not easy to leave the past behind. To move forward and find true love, they must overcome their insecurities and doubts and learn to trust again.
Come home to Peakview, Colorado where everyone has a chance at love.