Sage: Get Under the Skin of Your Story by Kathryn Ross

Turkey time!

Have you brought home the bird yet? We’ve just about reached our “free” turkey with earned points from our grocery receipts at the local market. We’ll bring home a frozen 20 pounder and wrestle with it in the sink to rinse, clean out the innards, season and plop in a roasting pan with pats of butter slathered over it.

Sage: Get Under the Skin of Your Story

Hours later, the house smells amazing and our tummies rumble with anticipation for succulent gobble-ready slices on our plate, the traditional companion to stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce.

This year, though, I’m considering the addition of a leafy twist for added substance and spice in my turkey prep. Not that my old stand-by recipe of garlic salt, pepper, and butter isn’t enough. But with the sliding of sage leaves between the skin and meat, greater potential for lip smacking satisfaction is released as the efficacy of the herb permeates the bird with flavor.

Though primarily used today in the kitchen, sage, a member of the mint family, had been used for thousands of years in the sick room. Greeks and Romans discovered its medicinal qualities in the curing of snake bites, as well as a tonic for colds, fever, constipation, and even seizures. Add to that its effective uses promoting hair growth and whiter teeth, sage has lived up to its Latin name, salvia—meaning, to save—for centuries.

Why should a man die who has sage in his garden? Ancient Proverb

When it comes to the strong, spicy flavor of sage, a little goes a long way. Use dry sage leaves sparingly to add import to poultry, pork, and beef. Steep sage tea for a battery of health benefits. Tie dried leaves together and burn them, releasing a cleansing smoke to change the ionic composition of the air, which can reduce stress and improve energy.


In considering how to add sage to my turkey, tea, and tonics, I wonder what the equivalent of a sage injection into my writing might produce.

Sage is defined as a plant, we know, but the word is also defined as wisdom in discernment and prudence. If my writing is so flavored, I know I am prepping my words with greater substance to draw out the full potential of my work for better efficacy upon my readers.

Good writers are wise writers. They act the part of a sage injecting words of health and wellness into their work—like sliding those sage leaves between the turkey’s skin and meat in key places. Sage-spicy words of substance permeate the whole manuscript with greater reader impact, producing sticky stories for lasting satisfaction.

I’ve read many books—fiction and non-fiction—that left me unsatisfied and disappointed because they did not explore their topic deeply enough. The lack of permeated flavor made the book easy to forget and of no effect on my life or thinking at all.

Kathryn Ross, cinnamon, writers, spice, fall recipes, editors, healing, manuscript, When Cinnamon Bark, clove, peppermint, Christmas, Thanksgiving, spice, words, peppermint oil, The Gatekeeper's Key, lemon oil
The Write Spice: Writing Tips for Flavorful Words by Kathryn Ross

The Christian writer must pen words that are sage—salvia, lifesaving—whether it’s in a romance novel or a treatise on a biblical principle, chapter and verse. Don’t just season the surface. Get under the skin of the story and develop deep themes for a truly satisfying, memorable, and possibly life altering read.

Apply this sage advice to develop the full potential of your work. Wrestle with your turkey, so to speak. Cleanse it. Rip out the innards that need to be tossed. Revise and edit your work, slipping in wisdom and discernment between the lines like sage leaves between the skin and meat. In this way, you’ll draw out the fullest potential of your work and distinguish yourself, not just as a storyteller who entertains, but a sage who brings lasting health to hearts and minds.

Journal Prompt: What is the thematic-virtue story you want to tell with your current manuscript? Does it reflect biblical values, discernment, and prudence? What sage injections between the lines of plot and dialogue should you add? What depth of meaning and purpose can you draw out to produce a healthful, lasting impression upon your reader?

clove, lemon oil, cinnamon, garden, harvestwriters, spice, fall recipes, editors, healing, manuscript
The Write Spice: Writing Tips for Flavorful Words By Kathryn Ross

Writer-speaker, Kathryn Ross, ignites a love of literature and learning through Pageant Wagon Publishing. She writes and publishes homeschool enrichment and Christian living books for home, church, and school. In addition, she shepherds writers through the steps book development and production. Her passion to equip women and families in developing a Family Literacy Lifestyle, produces readers and thinkers who can engage the world from a biblical worldview. She blogs and podcasts at and Connect with Miss Kathy on Facebook.

(C) 2018 Kathryn Ross

The Write Spice: Writing Tips for Flavorful Words Nutmeg: Poisoned Prose and Toxic Tales By Kathryn Ross

It’s that time of year again! When the leaves turn, and I wake to crisp air in the morning, my pantry gets a clean sweep and restocking. I’ve stuffed it chock-full of spices, sprinkles, sugars, flours, fruits, candies, nuts, and specialty ingredients for seasonal baking over the next three months. I plan my holiday recipes with experiments in October, so I can decide the winners and losers for Thanksgiving and Christmas giving.

Appalachian Mountains, RT Book Reviews, Shaker series, writer, author, romance, Thyme for Writers
Thyme for Writers – Pumpkin Harvest

Pumpkin cans stacked next to complimentary spices stand at the ready to mix and pour into pumpkin what-all. From pies to puddings, to sauces to scones to cakes to breads to souffle, pumpkin baking in the oven scents the home with tangible comfort. The sense of smell ignites stories of Autumns long ago when childhood wonder at the change of season opened a world of delights that only October brought. Can you smell the fragrant stories of bygone fall days:

  • Trips to apple orchards and pumpkin patches
  • Crunching dried leaves under our feet before raking them into piles
  • Pulling the sweaters out and wrapping up cozy in the evening
  • Cringing in fright when that giant orb spider weaves his web outside the front window
  • Carving pumpkins, painting pumpkins; pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins!

Though pumpkin itself lacks flavor on its own, a generous blend of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg is vital to every pumpkin recipe. In fact, this blend of spices, commonly referred to as pumpkin pie spice, adds seasonal flavor to any fall dish.

Each of these spices should be measured with care, though. For instance—more cinnamon than clove, less ginger than cinnamon, and a sparse touch of nutmeg are best. The just right amount pleases the palate. Too much, though, ruins the plate.

And one of those spices, used in excess, is actually toxic.

Nutmeg, the pungent, sweet, warm spice from the dried seeds of the nutmeg tree, though an important element of pumpkin pie spice, when taken alone and in excess acts as poison. A tragic chapter in the story of nutmeg is its 19th century use to induce abortions. In fact, when taken in large amounts it may cause anxiety, drunkenness, confusion, headaches, nausea, allergic reactions, dermatitis, and episodes of hallucinations and psychosis. This type of nutmeg overdose most often happens as an accident in children or on purpose with teenagers experimenting with substance abuse.

This toxic use of a valuable and tasty spice reminds me of how our words, used well and in properly measured amounts, can delight and amplify the satisfaction of a story, well told. Our words can be used to bless or abused to poison. This is true in relation to the technical elements of writing and composition—how we measure out our words with attention to grammar and syntax. But it also relates to the subjects we choose to write about and how we use words to influence readers and culture for good or for ill.

In such times as these, words are wielded as weapons by irresponsible writers, filling print and online platforms with toxic spices. Like a nutmeg overdose. The power of words to poison minds and destroy the reputations of others has become the toxic spice of choice in popular media and entertainment.

Kathryn Ross, cinnamon, writers, spice, fall recipes, editors, healing, manuscript, When Cinnamon Bark, clove, peppermint, Christmas, Thanksgiving, spice, words, peppermint oil, The Gatekeeper's Key, lemon oil
The Write Spice: Writing Tips for Flavorful Words by Kathryn Ross

As a writer, I feel a higher sense of calling in the words I write. My pen must be an antidote to nutmeg-like toxic-level words stirred into the current events’ mix. When I blend my word spices responsibly—with just the right amount of nutmeg balanced with companion cinnamon, ginger, and clove—I set an example of how to add spice to an otherwise bland squash and enrich a nutritious meal or sweet desert.

I hope to do so with my ready supply of baking ingredients in my pantry this season, as well as the measured words I write and speak. And, I have found the perfect spice blend to the purpose in Philippians 4:8 NLT:

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

My prayer for you is that your word-mix in this present season be finely measured. For all of us who seek to be God flavors in the earth, may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in the sight of the Lord—and health to all who taste of it. (Psalm 19:14)

clove, lemon oil, cinnamon, garden, harvestwriters, spice, fall recipes, editors, healing, manuscript
The Write Spice: Writing Tips for Flavorful Words By Kathryn Ross

Writer-speaker, Kathryn Ross, ignites a love of literature and learning through Pageant Wagon Publishing. She writes and publishes homeschool enrichment and Christian living books for home, church, and school. In addition, she shepherds writers through the steps book development and production. Her passion to equip women and families in developing a Family Literacy Lifestyle, produces readers and thinkers who can engage the world from a biblical worldview. She blogs and podcasts at and Connect with Miss Kathy on Facebook.

(C) 2018 Kathryn Ross

Sage Advice When There’s No Thyme to Write by Kathryn Ross

Kathryn Ross is back with Sage Advice When There’s No Thyme to Write! I’m sure you’ll enjoy this article as much as I did… . Thank you Kathryn!

Kathryn Ross, cinnamon, writers, spice, fall recipes, editors, healing, manuscript, When Cinnamon Bark, clove, peppermint, Christmas, Thanksgiving, spice, words, peppermint oil, The Gatekeeper's Key, lemon oil
The Write Spice: Writing Tips for Flavorful Words
by Kathryn Ross

I’ve just returned to the world of written words, blog posts, and editing projects from a hiatus of too-much-busy. April, May, and now seemingly June, have been a whirlwind of overwhelm. Other than my writing, my full plate involved the birth of a new grandson, settling into the new normal of Nana duty each week, opening the lakehouse ministry my husband and I manage for Christian leaders, transforming a vacant marketplace facility into a one-day history museum with over 40 exhibits and historical re-enactors for our hometown’s Founder’s Day event, and the preparation of my father’s house for the impending arrival of my sister and her husband moving back to our hometown. All this, and a sprained foot, too!

journey, inspiration, writer, author, published, career, jewelry, retired, teacher, novel, publishing, indie, contests, mistakes, mailing list, gifts, Plantation of White Treasure, Prince of Granola, Be Mine this Christmas Night, Viking Gold, Dare to Believe, Forever Yours this New Year’s Night, Believe in Me this Christmas Morn
Fur Baby

Oh—and did I mention keeping up with my husband’s routine and regular home-front duties? And the cats, of course.

Yeah. I had to cut something from the to-do list or nothing would ever be to-done.

To that end, I needed to take a break from blogging until I could dedicate serious hours to my writing, once again. In so doing, I have learned a few things to encourage the writer who just can’t find the thyme to write—let alone the words and inspiration. Here’s my sage advice in case you find yourself in your own whirlwind of overwhelm with deadlines looming:

Turn Deadlines into Lifelines.

L.A. Sartor, Christmas, Best-Selling Author, job, goal, burnout, Prince of Granola, The Chunky Method Handbook, Thyme for Writers, writers block

When we struggle with too many things requiring our attention, all at the same time, we lose the ability to focus with excellence on any one thing. We may try to make our deadline, only to turn in a poorly crafted piece that is not a true representation of our ability. What we produce will have little to no benefit on our readers. We flail about like a swimmer drowning in the ocean. STOP. Stop floundering with wasted energy and little focus. Float instead. Accept that priorities may need to be readjusted for a season. Reorder responsibilities so they are manageable when new or unexpected things step into the picture. This may mean asking for an extension on a post’s due date, or even a lengthier delay in order to turn a deadline into a lifeline, allowing room to breathe, think, and function.

Retreat to Advance.

journey, inspiration, writer, author, published, career, jewelry, retired, teacher, novel, publishing, indie, contests, mistakes, mailing list, gifts, Plantation of White Treasure, Prince of Granola, Be Mine this Christmas Night, Viking Gold, Dare to Believe, Forever Yours this New Year’s Night, Believe in Me this Christmas Morn, retired

My husband and I manage a lakehouse retreat for Christian leaders in the church, home, and arts—including writers–in need of a respite to renew and be refreshed for ministry. As I was readying the lakehouse in anticipation of its formal dedication, I became aware that I was simply going through the motions of organizing an event. I had not fully connected to the ministry concept, even though I have spent years teaching and studying on developing a sanctuary lifestyle of retreat and renewal. On the day of the dedication, I sat by the water, waiting for the guests to arrive, and realized for the first time in months that I was in need of a respite! Just those couple of hours in a quiet, sanctuary setting prior to everyone’s arrival, realigned my inner compass with the knowledge that my greatest need to restore my writing routine was not time—but REST. I have to book myself to use the lakehouse retreat before I can adequately expect to advance in my writing goals and continued ministry.

Take Time to Smell the Flowers.

In my book, Fragrant Fields: Poetic Reflections for Journaling, I share the story of driving about on a busy day of errands when I passed a huge field of flowers I’d never seen before. The sight arrested my soul—I just had to pull over and stare into it for a while. The powerful fragrance settled my stressed mind and body. My mouth opened in spontaneous prayer, thanking the Lord for such a generous gift—to RENEW! I don’t remember how long I lingered there, but I do remember the moments spent in the field being permanently etched upon my spirit. Returning home, I was inspired to write—words pouring forth from the impact of a close encounter with my Lord built into the curative glories of Creation.

sage advice, time, thyme, write, author, Kathryn Ross, literature, publish, Pageant Wagon Productions and Publishing, Christian living, women, readers, biblical worldview, Miss Kathy, life, busy, stop, rest, renew
Stop. Rest. Renew

Stop. Rest. Renew.

It’s a very similar recipe for the writer short on time to write. But also, extremely difficult to purpose into our crowded lives. Most of us are active achievers, skimping on personal time. Yet, we can achieve more when we recognize when our calendar fills to overflowing, and are brave enough to turn off the spicket. Stop. Make the effort to do nothing. Rest. Breathe in the goodness of God in our stillness—He is ever present with a bouquet of good things and beauty to give us. Renew.

So, I’m back. And better for it. I look forward to diligently applying my own sage advice to my literary life. And in so doing—make the thyme to write.

clove, lemon oil, cinnamon, garden, harvestwriters, spice, fall recipes, editors, healing, manuscript
The Write Spice: Writing Tips for Flavorful Words
By Kathryn Ross

Writer-speaker, Kathryn Ross, ignites a love of literature and learning through Pageant Wagon Productions and Publishing. She writes and publishes homeschool enrichment and Christian living books for home, church, and school. Her passion is to equip women and families in developing a Family Literacy Lifestyle, producing readers and thinkers who can engage the world from a biblical worldview. She blogs and podcasts at and Connect with Miss Kathy on Facebook.

(c) 2018 Kathryn Ross