Freedom Isn’t Free

exercise, weight control, energy balance, take charge, motivation, portion control, serving size, maintenance, food choice, low calorie alternatives, stretching
My Dad: Christian Van Den Heuvel – Exercise is Key: A Tribute to Our Military

Did you have a memorable Independence Day? I did. One critical fact I couldn’t help but think about is that FREEDOM ISN’T FREE — it comes at a great cost. I want to thank all of those military men and women who have served our country, who now serve our country, and who will serve our country. I also want to thank those who train our military service dogs who play such a key role in securing our freedom. Without all of you … the thought makes me shudder.

God bless America!

Military Service Dog, Messenger, Sentry, Scout, Patrol, Explosive Detection, Casualty, Military Working Dog
Silent Heroes – Military Service Dogs
Freedom of Speech

One of the greatest freedoms granted to writers is the freedom of speech. Without that right, we could not express our views, write those stories we have a passion to share, and help those who could not receive help without the written word.

A Beacon for Life
writers, authors, freedom, voice, comfort, inspire, published, military, thank you, inspiration, military, military dogs, published
A Beacon for Life

I had 3 children — 2 surviving who I am incredibly proud of and one who came between them. Mary Kathryn was Trisomy 18 and stillborn. It was a very difficult time and I wrote a book, A Beacon for Life. For me, it was cathartic, and I wrote it with the intention to only help others. The thought of making anything off of it wasn’t even in the picture. A traditional publisher picked it up, but as with all new authors, the contract clauses were grey, non-negotiable, and standard. At the time, I traveled the country doing speaking engagements and my goal was to buy books to donate. The publisher set my retail price at the high end for a book that size and my mere 30% author discount didn’t make my book affordable for me to purchase and donate.

One evening I got a call… . This was the beginning of print on demand and that is how my publisher operated. Someone ordered 3 books and 303 books were printed. They had no way to store them and wanted me to buy them. Needless to say, I negotiated them down to $3 per book and donated them. I have letters from those my book helped that I keep as a reminder of the importance of the written word. My book helped more than I could have ever imagined.

Make A Difference

As a writer, we all have the opportunity to positively impact the lives of others. Does that mean we need to be published to make that impact? Most of us think the answer to that question is a resounding YES. However, I am here to tell you that the answer is NO. Yes, you have the opportunity to reach more people if you are published (but that does not mean you will); the more important goal is to reach those you are intended to reach.

Taking a hike

My son recently told me how thankful he is of my writing. I am an older mom (almost 37 when I had my son). He told me it was comforting to know that all he had to do was read something I wrote to hear my “voice.” You do not need to be published to hear the voice of the author and gain encouragement and help from their written word. I know a “young” man whose mom was never published, but whose written word provides comfort and inspiration to this day. Who do you want to reach?

© 2018 Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer

Retire? What Are You Talking About? with L.A. Sartor

L.A. Sartor, Christmas, Best-Selling Author, job, goal, burnout, Prince of Granola, The Chunky Method Handbook, Thyme for Writers
L.A. Sartor

Last week I posted L.A.’s article, My Journey As A Lesson/Inspiration/Gift. What I didn’t mention, was that last week’s article was written as the bio for this article, Retire? What are you talking about? When I read it, I felt that her journey needed to stand alone, to provide a lesson, inspiration, and gift to us all. If you missed that article, it’s worth checking out.


Retire? What Are You Talking About?

A few weeks ago, I was talking to a neighbor and telling him about my latest book when he interrupted me.

“You retired from one job, when are you going to retire from this one?”

I was absolutely flabbergasted and speechless – which is a rare occasion for me. Thinking for a minute as I was trying to decide if he was telling me something like I should consider retiring because I wasn’t getting rich from this, or gulp, that I was getting older.

Finally, I asked him what he meant.

“Why are you working so hard at this point in your life?”

“Because I love it and frankly hope to write until I can’t think of another story,” I replied without hesitation.

journey, inspiration, writer, author, published, career, jewelry, retired, teacher, novel, publishing, indie, contests, mistakes, mailing list, gifts, Plantation of White Treasure, Prince of Granola, Be Mine this Christmas Night, Viking Gold, Dare to Believe, Forever Yours this New Year’s Night, Believe in Me this Christmas Morn, retired

We chit-chatted a few more minutes and he went back to his yard, probably not giving another moment’s thought to the conversation. While I, on the other hand, thought about it for days. Then I recalled a conversation we’d had a few years ago when he mentioned that once he’d retired, he wasn’t using his brain much and his body seemed to be falling apart.

It dawned on me that I was doing what I loved, and he was bored out of his mind. Was he jealous? Maybe. Not of my income certainly, as he was wealthy already, but that I was engaged, constantly learning new things since I indie publish, and wear all the hats associated with creating and publishing a book.

And most of all I have something to look forward to every morning.
So there is a lesson in this conversation that stays with me. Find something to do that you love. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do it and when you’re done with that love, find another.

journey, inspiration, writer, author, published, career, retired, teacher, novel, publishing, indie, Plantation of White Treasure, Prince of Granola, Be Mine this Christmas Night, Viking Gold, Dare to Believe, Forever Yours this New Year’s Night, Believe in Me this Christmas Morn, retired
Prince of Granola by L.A. Sartor

Prince Of Granola is my 7th book, and I have so many ideas and series that I want to write, I can’t imagine retiring.

I have a favorite saying, it’s not mine, but it summarizes my thinking perfectly.

To Be Happy You Need Three Things
Someone To Love
Something To Do
And Something To Look Forward To

And I truly believe in what it says.

L.A. Sartor is a bestselling, award-winning author. She began telling stories around the age of 4 when her mother, at L.A.’s insistence, wrote them down and L.A. illustrated them. As an adult, she writes suspense and action-adventure novels with a dash of romance, and screenplays—she’s had a contracted adaptation! She lives in Colorado with her husband whom she met on a blind date. L.A. loves to travel and thinks life is an adventure and we should embrace the journey. She has a blog and a mailing list.

(C) 2018 L.A. Sartor

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My Journey As A Lesson/Inspiration/Gift by L.A. Sartor

journey, inspiration, writer, author, published, career, retired, teacher, novel, publishing, indie, Plantation of White Treasure, Prince of Granola, Be Mine this Christmas Night, Viking Gold, Dare to Believe, Forever Yours this New Year’s Night, Believe in Me this Christmas Morn, retired
Prince of Granola by L.A. Sartor

We welcome back  L.A. Sartor to Thyme for Writers! When I learned about L.A.’s journey in becoming a successful author, I asked that she share it for our readers, especially since her latest novel, Prince of Granola was just released. Thank you L.A. for your lessons, inspiration, and gifts!

I started writing as a child, really. A few things happened on the way to becoming a published author … a junior high school teacher who told me I couldn’t write because I didn’t want to study … urk … grammar. I went to college, moved a few times, came home and found the love of my life (that is another novel worthy story, but for later), and got married.

We were super busy with our respective careers, mine a custom jewelry business with my mom, who was also teaching metalsmithing at the time, and my husband a crazy law career. We had two fur babies, Fudge (and briefly her brother Smudge, but sadly he didn’t live very long) and Two. Our cats would sleep with us and when they’d stretch out to their full length, we’d end up sleeping on the edge of the mattress.

journey, inspiration, writer, author, published, career, jewelry, retired, teacher, novel, publishing, indie, contests, mistakes, mailing list, gifts, Plantation of White Treasure, Prince of Granola, Be Mine this Christmas Night, Viking Gold, Dare to Believe, Forever Yours this New Year’s Night, Believe in Me this Christmas Morn
Fur Baby

I have always been a voracious reader and one night after throwing a particularly bad book at the wall (even putting a small ding in said wall), I realized that I could do better. I told my husband, and he said go for it. I called Mom and she revealed the junior high teacher story and she told I’d been writing all the time up to that point.

journey, inspiration, writer, author, published, career, jewelry, retired, teacher, novel, publishing, indie, contests, mistakes, mailing list, gifts, Plantation of White Treasure, Prince of Granola, Be Mine this Christmas Night, Viking Gold, Dare to Believe, Forever Yours this New Year’s Night, Believe in Me this Christmas Morn
Thyme to Write

That blew me away. I didn’t remember any of it. But I started writing again, nearly the next day, pen and paper, learning, making mistakes, winning contests, nearly getting an agent, becoming disenchanted with the publishing industry and moving away from novel writing to screenwriting, getting a contract for a script and doing really well in screenwriting contests.

But none of that was making me much money. After numerous scary robbery drills I wanted to move away from my bank job (yes, this is many years later and a lot of stuff in between) and write full time for the green stuff.

journey, inspiration, writer, author, published, career, jewelry, retired, teacher, novel, publishing, indie, contests, mistakes, mailing list, gifts, Plantation of White Treasure, Prince of Granola, Be Mine this Christmas Night, Viking Gold, Dare to Believe, Forever Yours this New Year’s Night, Believe in Me this Christmas Morn

My husband told me repeatedly that independent publishing was becoming a valid way to publish a novel and people were making big dollars. I didn’t believe him even after he showed me several Wall Street Journal articles. I thought indie meant vanity press.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I started pursuing this direction seriously, retired from the bank and hit the keyboard, learned a litany of new things and published my first novel. My second book became a bestseller, and while I’m not rolling in dough, I’m absolutely on the right course in my life.

So if you have a dream, pursue it as hard as you can. Life can get in the way, but never give up.

journey, inspiration, writer, author, published, career, jewelry, retired, teacher, novel, publishing, indie, contests, mistakes, mailing list, gifts, Plantation of White Treasure, Prince of Granola, Be Mine this Christmas Night, Viking Gold, Dare to Believe, Forever Yours this New Year’s Night, Believe in Me this Christmas Morn
L.A. Sartor Home Page

Please come visit me at, see my books, some pictures, some screenplays and sign up for my mailing list. I have a gift I’ve specifically created for my new email subscribers. And remember, you can email me at

(C) 2018 L.A. Sartor

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